Aug 2014 Reference manual and new tests.
Jul 2014 Bowtie2-ff and image restoration applications.
Jul 2014 Several new high-level patterns: ParallelFor, ParallelForReduce, Pool, MDF. New syntax for high-level patterns.
Jun 2014 FastFlow layers major update.
Mar 2014 Stencil-Reduce pattern for CUDA GPGPUs.
Jan 2014 FastFlow 2.0.4 has been committed to the Sourceforge SVN.Lot of new features. See Changelog.txt
Jan 2014 FastFlow 2.0.3 has been committed to the Sourceforge SVN.Lot of new features. See Changelog.txt
28 Oct 2013 ParallelFor pattern available in the FastFlow 2.0.2 version.
28 Oct 2013 FastFlow 2.0.2 is in the Sourceforge SVN. Soon we are going to release a new tarball.
23 Oct 2013 FastFlow presented by M. Torquati and M. Danelutto at CERN Concurrency forum meeting webinars.
13 Apr 2013 FastFlow 2.0.1 has been committed to the Sourceforge SVN. Soon we are going to put on Sourceforge a new tarball.
10 Jul 2012 FastFlow 2.0 is now on sourceforge SVN. It includes the distributed version and several new applications (including denoiser). The release is almost stable for Linux. Several features are still beta for non-linux platforms.
26 June 2012 FastFlow is now working on iOS 5.x (iPhone/Ipad). Looking for people willing to test it with a real world application (e.g. a game). Here a
18 May 2012 FastFlow is going to support clusters of SMPs. Distributed version is now under test. Still working on GPUs.
16 May 2012 The uSPSC component of FastFlow, i.e. the unbound wait-free SPSC queue will be presented at EuroPar 2012 in Rhodes. It is fast.
25 Mar 2012 Prof. Marco Danelutto included FastFlow in the teaching material of the
Distributed systems: paradigms and models course held within the Master on
Computer Science and Networking at University of Pisa, Italy. He also wrote a
programming primer. Please send to us any comment, question to improve it.
05 Jan 2012 Working on GPUs We are working on the integration of FastFlow self-offloading with GPUs. We have some encouraging preliminary results. Stay tuned.
05 Jan 2011 FastFlow is now part of the IMPACT project (Innovative Methods for Particle Colliders at the Terascale, founded by Compagnia di San Paolo, with CERN, through a competition with 11% of acceptance rate). We are working at a parallel, high-performance simulation tool for QCD background modeling (e.g. for Higgs boson detection).
24 May 2011 FastFlow is now part of the ParaPhrase EU-STREP/FWP7 project: Parallel Patterns for Adaptive Heterogeneous Multicore Systems (starting Oct. 2011).
23 Apr. 2011 FastFlow 1.1 is now available. Many new features (see changelog file within tarball). Now working on almost any recent 32/64bit Linux, 32/64bit MacOS 10.4,10.5,10.6, 32/64bit Windows XP and 7 (with Visual Studio). Cmake now generate Makefile, Xcode and Visual Studio projects.
25 Mar. 2011 First Windows native port is now ready (FastFlow 1.0.9, available on sourceforge svn), currently tested on Windows 7 x64 with Visual Studio 10. Looking for beta-testers, write us if you are interested in trying it.
17 Mar. 2011 — TR-11-16: Porting Decision Tree Building and Pruning Algorithms to Multicore using FastFlow. To the best of our knowledge, the first implementation of parallel pruning of decision trees in data mining literature.
7 Jan. 2011 — We are preparing to reverse many new features in the new version of FastFlow; some of them are already in the
Sourceforge SVN. Also, we got interesting new applications: take a look to
Edge-preserving image denoiser and its impressive performance.
15 Oct. 2010 — We started a
FAQ page. Any further question or comment is welcome.
12 Oct. 2010 — A new paper and a new presentation are available on the website.
1 Oct. 2010 — Due to the many requests we have begun to work to a FastFlow programming tutorial. A complete tutorial is not yet available, however, if you would like try FastFlow, we suggest to 1) Understand the architecture looking to this website, papers and talk slides available on this site. 2) Look at the
tutorial page in this web site. 3) Start playing with examples on tests directory; the tests are designed to be progressive in complexity. 3) Write to fastflow[AT] in case of any problem.
1 Oct. 2010 — It seems we will have a windows version soon. Stay tuned.
7 Sep. 2010 — A porting onto Windows/Visual Studio platform is ongoing (designed, development ongoing). We are looking for developers and beta testers.
1 Sep. 2010 — FastFlow 1.0 is now ready. Working on any Linux (i386, x86_64) and any MacOS > 10.2 (PPC, i368, x86_64).
01/09/10 - New major release 1.0.0 (download it
27/06/10 - FastFlow stable release 1.0 is going to be released. It incorporates many new features and performance improvements. With the new version we succeeded to squeeze some speedup for very fine-grained tasks (down to 9 nanoseconds on a dual-quad-core @2.2GHz, well don't expect optimal speedup at this grain, but bear in mind the suggested size for TBB is around 5-10 microseconds

21/05/10 - TR-10-11: Porting Decision Tree Algorithms to Multicore using FastFlow is now available (accepted at ECML PKDD 2010, 16% acceptance rate).
29/03/10 - StochKit-FF parallel version is now running (alpha quality, some already planned performance optimization are not yet implemented). It is not yet in the public SVN, but it can be distributed on demand for testing. Just write us if you would like to try it.
22/03/10 - FastFlow 1.0.0 RC2 tarball is now available for
download on sourceforge.
07/03/10 - Fortcoming: StochKit-FF: A FastFlow-enabled (parallel version for multicore) of
StochKit the popular stochastic simulation framework developed at UC Santa Barbara. The FastFlow-enabled version will exploit the novel “selective memory” technique.
25/02/10 - A new FastFlow-related technique (a.k.a. self-offloading) is available in TR-10-03
[ADK10], where we present a further evolution of FastFlow enabling programmers to offload part of their workload on a dynamically created software accelerator running on unused CPUs. The offloaded function can be easily derived from pre-existing sequential code. We emphasize in particular the effective trade-off between human productivity and execution efficiency of the approach.
17/02/10 - Take a look
here at the very interesting Tito Ingargiola's blog post on lock-free programming and about the use of FastFlow framework.
05/02/10 - Major site updates: architecture and tutorial pages updated. New applications-and-performances page.
03/02/10 - FastFlow 1.0.0 RC1 tarball is now available on on sourceforge (
08/01/10 - Fortcoming: fastflow accelerator, a brand new way for the semi-automatic (yet efficient) parallelisation of existing sequential C/C++ applications. Available soon.
30/12/09 - FastFlow site has a new
FAQ section. Check it out. Please send us any question via email or sourceforce forum.
16/12/09 - We are going to release a new version improving performance of applications in dual-core processors using adaptive implementation templates. No performance reduction for 4/8/16-cores (already available from sourceforge project SVN). New examples under testing: Fast N-queens applications and QT+fastflow Mandelbrot. Working on allocator (preliminary tests: faster than Hoard and TBB).
10/11/09 - FastFlow paper to appear at PDP 2010 has been published on this page (draft, comparison against TBB, OpenMP, Cilk).
10/11/09 - FastFlow paper appeared at ParCo 2009 has been published on this page (comparison against POSIX thread).