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Who is Using FastFlow

Fix8 an extremely fast C++ Open Source FIX framework.
The ParaPhrase project aiming at developing a new structured design and implementation process for heterogeneous parallel architectures. (EC-STREP, 7th FP, 2011-2014) fp7-logo.jpg
The REPARA project aiming at defining a unified programming model for heterogeneous computers. REPARA: Reengineering and Enabling Performance And poweR of Applications (EC-STREP, 7th FP, 2013-2016) fp7-logo.jpg
The RePhrase project: Refactoring Parallel Heterogeneous Resource-Aware Applications A Software Engineering Approach (EC-RIA, H2020, 2015-2018) {{ :ffnamespace:horizon2020_logo.jpg?50 }}
YaDT a very efficient C++ implementation of the entropy-based tree construction algorithm. logo_unipi.jpg
CWCsimulator (Calculus of Wrapped Compartments), a rewriting-based calculus for the representation and simulation of biological systems.
Peafowl a flexible and extensible Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) framework.
Zerodivision uses FastFlow for high-performance video surveillance applications.


[May 2011] HPC Advisory Council Academic Award: FastFlow over Infiniband. Announced at SC 2011. See Businesswire announce. hpcac-logo.jpg
[Apr 2013] NVidia CUDA research award: CUDA-enabled FastFlow. To be announced on NVidia CUDA research website. nv_cuda_research_center_3d_small.jpg


ffnamespace/testimonials.1431085580.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2015/05/08 13:46 by aldinuc