I'm currently involved in the organization/program committees of several conferences, including:
CoreGRID Symposium (last “official”
Symposium was in Gran Canaria (E), after the end of the EU NoE, we started an ERCIM WG that run a
workshop in Delft, associated to EuroPar'09)
We organized in Pisa Euromicro PDP 2010, the 18th Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Computing (PDP 2010 web site)
IPDPS'09 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium
CCGrid'09 9th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, May 2009, Shanghai, China
LSPP'09 Workshop on Large-Scale Parallel Processing 2009 (with IPDPS'09)
HPDC 2008
IPDPS 2008
ServiceWave 2008
Euromicro PDP 2008
EuroPar 2008
CoreGRID Symposium 2008
I also participate reviewing papers for several journals, including