
The group members share interests in the different research areas, all related to parallel and distributed computing and their applications to real-life problems. More specifically, our research interests are related to the following main topics:

From the software viewpoint, we have designed and we are currently maintaining the FastFlow parallel programming library in conjunction with the University of Torino (Prof. Aldinucci’s PPMs group). In the library, we have contributed with several new algorithmic skeletons/parallel design patterns techniques, including the Pool Evolution for evolutionary and symbolic computing,  in addition to more general concepts such as Behavioural Skeletons (parallel patterns with autonomic processing capabilities), Macro Data-Flow implementation techniques, and the RISC-pbbb set of parallel components that can be used to implement a large number of different parallel patterns. Recently, the FastFlow library has been extended with a rich set of Building Blocks that can be used as an intermediate layer for building new parallel run-time environments for shared-memory machines optimized for specific application domains. A relevant example of this research idea, targeting High-Performance Data Stream Processing applications, is the WindFlow parallel library for multicores and GPUs.

Most of our software tools are release publicly in GitHub at the following page.

If you are interested in collaborate or joining us for a Master Thesis, a Ph.D. or  a period abroad  feel free to contact us.

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