Massimo Torquati
Associate Professor
Computer Science Department
University of Pisa
Largo Bruno Pontecorvo 3, 56127 Pisa – Italy
Phone: +39 050 221 3169
Fax. +39 050 221 2726
Room: 287 DE
- In 2023, I obtained the Italian National Scientific Qualification (ASN in Italian) for the role of Full Professor in Computer Science (INF/01)
- In 2018, I obtained the Italian National Scientific Qualification (ASN in Italian) for the role of Associate Professor, both in Computer Engineering (ING-INF/05) and in Computer Science (INF/01).
- Vice Director of the CINI HPC-KTT National Laboratory
- Member of the EOSC Task Force on Infrastructure for Quality Research Software
- Since 2017 I’ve been a member of the European Network of Excellence HiPEAC: High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation.
- Since 2010 I’ve been a member of the Parallel Programming Models Group at the Computer Science Department of the University of Pisa.
My page on Google Scholar Scopus DBLP ResearchGate

Unique Identifier: ORCID
Massimo Torquati’s Main Research Interests
High-level tools and languages for programming multi/many-cores and distributed heterogeneous systems.
Autonomic computing and QoS
High-performance Data Stream Processing
- Concurrent Data Structures and Concurrency Control Algorithms
- Parallel programming models (pattern-based, actor-based, data-flow, …)
- Software Distributed Shared Memory
- In-memory Parallel File Systems and I/O coordination
- System Software for HPC
- HLPP 2024 will be organized in Pisa (4-5 July 2024)
- WSCC workshop co-located with Euro-Par 2023 co-located with Euro-Par 2019
- CAPIO (Cross-Application Programmable I/O): A new middleware to coordinate and program I/O in scientific in situ workflows.
- Distributed-memory FastFlow Building Blocks. We are working hard to have a unique programming model for both shared- and distributed-memory systems in FastFlow. Take a look at the DistributedFF branch of the FastFlow project.
Here you can download a paper describing the Distributed FastFlow version. - PDP 2023: 31st Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing
- CINI HPC Key Technologies & Tools (HPC-KTT) laboratory was born in March 2021