
a.a. 2023/2024 

Architetture e Sistemi Operativi — AESO (9 CFU)
(Architectures and Operating Systems)
Corso annuale da 15 CFU
Parallel and Distributed Systems: Paradigms and Models  — SPM (6 CFU)
corso semestrale da 9 CFU

Bachelor/Master thesis available related to the following topics:

  • concurrent/parallel middleware
  • Linux system-software
  • actor-based/task-based/thread-based programming
  • parallel and distributed file systems and I/O storage systems
  • in-situ/in-transit computing

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me via e-mail to have a chat.

Ph.D. students:
Alberto R. Martinelli UniTo Ph.D. (co-supervision with Prof. Marco Aldinucci)
Nicolò Tonci UniPi Ph.D
Daniele De Sensi UniPi Ph.D. (now Assistant Professor)
Luca Rinaldi  UniPi Ph.D. (now working in industry)

Past courses I taught.