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Parallel programming tools

Ocaml Parmap

I contribute(d) to the development of the Ocaml Parmap module. Parmap is a minimalistic library allowing to exploit multicore architecture for OCaml programs with minimal modifications: if you want to use your many cores to accelerate an operation which happens to be a map, fold or map/fold (map-reduce), just use Parmap’s parmap, parfold and parmapfold primitives in place of the standard and friends, and specify the number of subprocesses to use by the optional parameter ~ncores.


I'm currently involved in FastFlow development.

I'm using FastFlow in the SPM course and therefore I produced a small tutorial which has been published as a technical report and included in the course notes as well.

I'm currently (academic year 2011-2012) supervising two master thesis aimed at


Muskel is a full Java skeleton library, targeting clusters and networks of workstations. See the muskel home page for more details and download.


LIBERO (a LIghtweight BEhavioural skeleton framework) is a lightweight implementation of Behavioural skeletons as introduced in CoreGRID GCM.