“A DSL Based Toolchain for Design Space Exploration in Structured Parallel Programming” presented at ICCS 2016 TOOLS WS

A DSL based toolchain supporting the design of parallel applications where parallelism is structured after parallel design pattern compositions has been presented at the TOOLS workshop at the ICCS 2016 conference in San Diego. The proof-of-concept prototype developed so far supports pattern expression editing, refactoring, optimization with the possibility to consult abstract models computing expected performances of programs using a small set of stream parallel patterns. The prototype is written in Ocaml and generates ready-to-run FastFlow code out of annotated pattern expressions and business logic functional code provided sub classing simple wrapper template classes.shell-vision

The paper is available online on Procedia. The work has been performed within the activities of the RePhrase EU H2020 project. The presentation given at the TOOLS workshop is available online.


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