FastFlow  SVN-r182-Aug-14-2014
A high-level, lock-less, parallel programming (shared-memory) and distributed programming (distributed-memory) framework for multi-cores and many-cores systems
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Cff::BarrierBlocking barrier - Used only to start all nodes synchronously
 Cff::ff_allocatorThe ff_allocator, based on the idea of the Slab allocator
 Cff::ff_nodeThe FastFlow abstract contanier for a parallel activity (actor)
 Cff::ff_dnode< CommImpl >Defines ff::ff_dnode
 Cff::ff_farm< lb_t, gt_t >The Farm skeleton, with Emitter (lb_t) and Collector (gt_t)
 Cff::ff_mdfMacro Data Flow executor
 Cff::ff_minodeMultiple input ff_node (the MPSC mediator)
 Cff::ff_monodeMultiple output ff_node (the SPMC mediator)
 Cff::ff_oclNodeOpenCL implementation of FastFlow node
 Cff::ff_pipelineThe Pipeline skeleton (low-level syntax)
 Cff::ff_pipe< TaskType >Pipeline pattern (high-level pattern syntax)
 Cff::ff_pipe< task_t >
 Cff::poolEvolution< T, env_t >The pool evolution parallel pattern
 Cff::ff_dnode< COMM >
 Cff::ff_dnode< COMM1 >
 Cff::ff_dinout< COMM1, COMM2 >
 Cff::ff_dnode< COMM2 >
 Cff::ff_dnode< COMM3 >
 Cff::ff_dnode< CommImplIn >
 Cff::ff_dinout< CommImplIn, CommImplOut >A ff::ff_dnode serving both Input and Output to the network
 Cff::ff_dnode< zmq1_1 >
 Cff::ff_farm< foralllb_t >
 Cff::ff_farm< ofarm_lb, ofarm_gt >
 Cff::ff_ofarmThe ordered Farm skeleton
 Cff::ff_threadThread container for (leaves) ff_node
 Cff::ff_gathererA class representing the Collector node in a Farm skeleton
 Cff::ofarm_gtOrdered farm Collector
 Cff::ff_loadbalancerA class representing the Emitter node in a typical Farm skeleton
 Cff::ofarm_lbOrdered farm emitter
 Cff::FFAllocatorA user-space parallel allocator (process-wide)
 Cff::Lamport_BufferImplementation of the well-known Lamport's wait-free circular buffer. Not currently used
 CMapMap pattern
 Cff::MPMC_Ptr_QueueAn implementation of the bounded Multi-Producer/Multi-Consumer queue. Not currently used
 Cff::MSqueueMichael and Scott MPMC. Not currently used
 Cff::ParallelForParallel for loop. Run automatically
 Cff::ParallelForPipeReduce< task_t >ParallelForPipeReduce class
 Cff::ParallelForReduce< T >Parallel for and reduce. Run automatically
 Cff::spinBarrierNonblocking barrier - Used only to start all nodes synchronously
 Cff::squeue< T >Unbound sequential FIFO queue
 Cff::svector< T >Simple yet efficient dynamic vector
 Cff::svector< bool >
 Cff::svector< ff::ff_node * >
 Cff::svector< ff_node * >
 Cff::svector< int >
 Cff::svector< msg_t * >
 Cff::svector< void * >
 Cff::SWSR_Ptr_BufferSPSC bound channel (Single-Writer/Single-Reader)
 Cff::threadMapperThe thread mapper allows to map threads to specific core using a predefined mapping policy
 Cff::uSWSR_Ptr_BufferUnbounded Single-Writer/Single-Reader buffer (FastFlow unbound channel)