FastFlow  SVN-r182-Aug-14-2014
A high-level, lock-less, parallel programming (shared-memory) and distributed programming (distributed-memory) framework for multi-cores and many-cores systems
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ff Directory Reference
+ Directory dependency graph for ff:


directory  d
directory  ocl


file  allocator.hpp
 Implementations of the FastFlow's lock-free allocator.
file  buffer.hpp
 This file contains the definition of the bounded SPSC channel buffer used in FastFlow.
file  config.hpp
file  cycle.h
file  dinout.hpp
file  dnode.hpp
 Contains the definition of the ff_dnode class, which is an extension of the base class ff_node, with features oriented to distributed systems.
file  dynlinkedlist.hpp
 Dynamic linked list Single-Writer Single-Reader unbounded queue. Not currently used.
file  dynqueue.hpp
 Implementation of a dynamic queue. Not currently used.
file  farm.hpp
 Farm pattern.
file  ff_queue.hpp
 Experimental. Not currently used.
file  gsearch.hpp
 This file implements the graph search skeleton.
file  gt.hpp
 Farm Collector (it is not a ff_node)
file  icl_hash.h
file  lb.hpp
 Farm Emitter (not a ff_node)
file  map.hpp
 map pattern
file  mapper.hpp
 This file contains the thread mapper definition used in FastFlow.
file  mapping_utils.hpp
 This file contains utilities for thread pinning to cores and thread mapping.
file  mdf.hpp
 This file implements the macro dataflow pattern.
file  MPMCqueues.hpp
 This file contains several MPMC queue implementations. Not currently used.
file  node.hpp
 FastFlow ff_node.
file  oclnode.hpp
 FastFlow OpenCL interface node.
file  parallel_for.hpp
 This file describes the parallel_for/parallel_reduce skeletons.
file  parallel_for_internals.hpp
file  pipeline.hpp
 This file implements the pipeline skeleton, both in the high-level pattern syntax (ff::ff_pipe) and low-level syntax (ff::ff_pipeline)
file  poolEvolution.hpp
 The PoolEvolution pattern models the evolution of a given population.
file  poolEvolutionCUDA.hpp
file  spin-lock.hpp
 This file contains several alternative spin lock(s) implementations that can be used as FastFlow spin-lock.
file  squeue.hpp
 Simple yet efficient (not concurrent) unbounded FIFO queue.
file  staticlinkedlist.hpp
 Static Linked List. Not currently used.
file  stencilReduce.hpp
file  stencilReduceCUDA.hpp
file  svector.hpp
 Simple yet efficient dynamic vector.
file  svn-commit.2.tmp~
file  svn-commit.tmp
file  svn-commit.tmp~
file  sysdep.h
file  ubuffer.hpp
 This file contains the definition of the unbounded SWSR circular buffer used in FastFlow.
file  utils.hpp
 Utility functions.
file  version.h